By using any product / service created or co-created by SamsidParty or SamarthCat, you agree to these terms. This includes visiting

Usage Of Proprietary Software

Any SamsidParty software (including games, websites, and apps) that does not have its source code on under the name SamarthCat, is considered proprietary.

You may not redistribute, modify, or resell proprietary SamsidParty software, including license keys, without explicit permission.

However, you can redistribute and share links to proprietary software from authorized sources.

You may not decompile or extract assets from proprietary SamsidParty software, except for websites.

Usage Of Open-Source Software

Any SamsidParty software that has its source code on under the name SamarthCat is considered open-source.

You can freely redistribute, modify, and recompile open-source SamsidParty software for free.

You may not redistribute original or modified versions of open-source SamsidParty software for monetary gain.

You can redistribute and share links to open-source SamsidParty software, only if the source provides a free download without asking for personal information, like email addresses.

Usage Of Media

SamsidParty Videos are ones that are on the SamsidParty YouTube Channel.

You can reupload SamsidParty videos, as long as you don't make any money from them.

However, you can reupload modified versions SamsidParty videos and you can monetize them.

You can redistribute and share links to SamsidParty videos from official sources.

You can use the SamsidParty logo and all SamsidParty sub-brand logos anywhere as long as you do not modify them in any way.


SamsidParty does not use cookies to track users.

We don't collect any user data, and we don't log IP addresses.

The SamsidParty website does not integrate any ads or any analytics.

However, when a link to SamsidParty is clicked through Google, the action is recorded by them and is visible to us.

When you watch a SamsidParty video on YouTube, user data and analytics will be recorded by Google.

Read the Google privacy policy to learn more.

We also recommend reading the privacy policy for the following partner platforms that SamsidParty is a part of:

- Steam

- GitHub

- Twitter

- TikTok

Some SamsidParty games on mobile, like Subterrene, integrate Unity Ads. Unity Ads contains trackers and collects some user data.

Read the Unity privacy policy to learn more.